Friday, June 29, 2012

Canning: Peaches, Jam, Salsa, Barbecue Sauce, and Remodel

For the last three mornings have been all canning! First, we made peach jam, and barbecue sauce. The second day, peaches (which tastes awesome!), jam, and salsa. Today we canned more peaches, and more salsa!! All out of 4 bushels of red ripe peaches! :D It's nice to know we're done, and all the fruit is downstairs canned, for us to enjoy this winter.

This past Sunday, we finished sealing our kitchen floor, it looks great (pictures to come)!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Crocheted Rag Rug

Last night I finally finished a rag rug I started last time we were in Colorado (October 2011)! It's really easy once you get the hang of it. First, rip up some old sheets, this rug took 4. Second, sew the strips together, and roll them up into a ball. Make sure the strips are lying flat as you roll them into a ball. Then start crocheting a circle in single crochet, I started out with 5 sts.Crochet in a circle until wanted size, or till you run out of sheet strips. This is a great way to use old sheets or clothes. ;)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

New Bracelet!

A couple of weeks ago I bought a paracord bracelet from a friend of my brothers.  He makes paracord bracelets in many different colors (pink, white, red, black).If you are interested in buying one, just leave a comment and I can send you his contact info.  There are pictures below. I really like mine, and highly recommend them. ;)

New Reading and Schoolbooks for 2012

I decided to do a very random post. ;) Here is a list of the schoolbooks for Fall 2012 (I've already started working on Algebra 1/2 and Know What You Believe), and books that I would like to read this summer.


Math: Algebra 1/2
Grammar:Rod and Staff 6
Literature: Great Christian Classics (Generations with Vision)
Theology: Know What You Believe
Science: Physical Science

I have not decided what language or electives I'm taking this year. I might take either French or Spanish, but I don't know yet.

Reading Books:

A Chance to Die
Adventures of Missionary Heroism
Biography of John G. Paton
March to Magdala
Sinking of the Titanic and Other Great Sea Diasters
Life of Luther
Sarah's Wish
Sarah's Escape

We'll see if I can finish them all. I hope to be done with the Reading books by the last week of August. I've already read Sarah's Wish and Sarah's Escape, but I really like the series.

Rebekah Abigail